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Ms Dan Jiang Acu-Herb Consultant

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Liver cancer turned into benign neuroendocrine tumour after three years of TCM treatment

Updated: Jan 3, 2019

A suspected liver cancer case, confirmed by a liver biopsy, was found to be benign neuroendocrine tumours during an operation after three years of TCM treatment

Ms B, 45 years, secretary, had been diagnosed with primary liver cancer, confirmed by ultrasound, blood tests and a liver biopsy. She had suffered from breast cancer 13 years prior, but the liver malignancy was thought to be an unrelated primary. There were multiple tumours, the largest one measuring 6x7 cm, the smallest one measuring 1x1 cm, concentrated around the portal vessels, making the resection difficult and dangerous. Hence no doctor referred her for operation and other treatments. As she had received some benefit from TCM during her treatment for breast cancer in the past, she returned for treatment with us for helping her with the liver cancer.

On her first visit she complained of nausea, loss of appetite, loose bowel movement, poor sleep, extreme exhaustion and depression. Other clinical findings included: weight loss, distended abdomen with puffiness at the upper right abdomen, mild tenderness over the liver region where solid masses could be palpated. The top level of her liver appeared one inch higher than normal and the lower level could be palpated two inches below the right bottom rib. No jaundice or oedema could be found. She had a light-red tongue with less white coating and a wiry-fine pulse.

Regular acupuncture and various herbal formulas were given. External herbal anticancer patches were put over the local area, decocted herbs were prescribed to strengthen the quality of life (QOL) and to correct all of her unwanted symptoms. She was treated regularly with TCM for more than two years. Although she gradually appeared to have good wellbeing and QOL, her liver tumours did not contract. It was suggested that she should see a hepatobiliary surgeon and an experienced consultant decided to operate on her. Neuroendocrine tumours, confirmed to be benign by histology, were found during the operation and they were successfully resected (treatment summary in appendix two). After another course of TCM treatment for relieving her severe post-surgery complications she recovered completely and went back to work.


Dan Jiang*, Fan-Yi Meng , Lily Li and Fan Qu. (2016). The Role of Chinese Medicine in Cancer Care—a Critical Review World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2016; 2(1): 68–73



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